Chicken BBQ, Part 2
Our Chicken BBQ, on May 21st, was a huge success! Thanks to the support in the community, we sold 600 dinners in under one hour! Unfortunately, there were many people that we had to turn away because we sold out. That’s why we’re having another one. Bradford Ecumenical Home, Inc. will again partner with Kev’s Best Chicken BBQ on Thursday, June 18th. We’ll start selling dinners at 3:00 via drive-thru in our parking lot until they’re sold out.
Sign-Drive-Thru-Chicken-BBQ-6-18-20Seniors Share With Seniors

Bradford Ecumenical Home Kicks Off Nursing Home Week With Parade!

Residents of Bradford Ecumenical Home and Chapel Ridge got outside to enjoy the weather and watch the Mother’s Day Parade in their honor. Led by the organization’s van, the Bradford City Police Departement and Fire Department joined families as they drove up and down St. Francis Drive and around parking lots. Residents’ loved ones decorated their cars with flowers, balloons, and signs. Hands clapping, cheers and shouts of “I Love You” could be heard throughout the campus grounds.
Nursing Home Week continues the rest of the week with several events planned. This year’s theme is “Sharing Our Wisdom,” which is on display in our central area. Our “seniors” give wisdom and advice to area high school seniors who will soon be graduating amid a global pandemic.
The Activities Department will be going all-out this week with a Frog Jumping Contest and “Dance Like a Chicken” Day. The week will finish up like all good things should, with a delicious ice cream sundae.
The heroes at Bradford Ecumenical Home and Chapel Ridge continue to love and care for our seniors while looking forward to the day when we can open our doors and say “Welcome to our home.”
Thank You!
Come Celebrate With a Mother’s Day Parade!

Chicken BBQ to Benefit Bradford Ecumenical Home, Inc. and First Responders

Thank you!