Walmart Vaccine Clinic

For instructions for a waiting list and/or register for a clinic:
No Internet Access: call 814-887-3443, Tuesdays & Thursdays, 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM
Internet Access: www.mckeancountypa.org (popup window will open on the lower right side for self-service form for waitlist/registration for a clinic
It was an exciting day on March 17, 2021 when Bradford Ecumenical Home and Chapel Ridge resumed indoor visits with friends and families.
The staff and residents at Bradford Ecumenical Home and Chapel Ridge are commemorating the pandemic in a unique way. Read more about it in The Bradford Era.
Bradford Ecumenical Home, Inc. has been announced as the recipient of a paid college internship award for Risk Management. The award, granted by LeadingAge PA, a state trade association representing not-for-profit senior service providers, will provide $6,000 to cover the costs of hosting a paid college intern within the organization for a period of 8 to 10 weeks.
Lisa Johnson, CEO, states, “As healthcare compliance continues to evolve, we appreciate that LeadingAge PA has recognized our desire to provide current and future workplace support to the senior living field by enhancing students’ professional experiences.”
A selection committee comprised entirely of volunteer members from LeadingAge PA chose Bradford Ecumenical Home, Inc. as one of five award recipients from the submissions that were received.
The paid college internship program was created by LeadingAge PA to increase awareness among college students about the opportunities and rewards available to them by pursuing a career in the field of long-term care. Interested college juniors or seniors focusing on Risk Management are encouraged to apply for this paid internship by sending a resume to Bradford Ecumenical Home, Inc., attention Lisa Johnson, CEO. Areas of study may include Risk Management, Business Administration, Finance, Pre-Law, Law, or other related field. Review of candidates to begin March 22, 2021.