Bradford Ecumenical Home, Inc. Auxiliary


The Auxiliary is organized with the care and concern for each resident at Bradford Ecumenical Home,  Chapel Ridge and Creekside Suites. In pursuit of this purpose, the Auxiliary shall:

Assist in providing recreation, entertainment, and personal contact for the residents.
Promote aspects of public relations.
Raise money to support services, equipment and amenities for residents.
Perform duties to benefit Bradford Ecumenical Home, Inc. (i.e. volunteers to assist the staff and Activities Department).


Any person is eligible who is interested in the support and promotion of Bradford Ecumenical Home, Chapel Ridge and Creekside Suites and is willing to pay dues.


Regular Auxiliary dues shall be established by the Executive Committee. Dues are $5.00 per year.


The officers shall be President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer. The nominations shall be presented by the Nominating Committee. The officers shall be elected for a term of two years with the privilege of re-election. Officers shall be elected at the October regular meeting and installed into office the ensuing January. The unexpired term of any office may be filled by the appointment of the Executive Committee to be verified by election at the next general meeting.


The Auxiliary shall meet the third Wednesday of each month with the exception of June, July and August. Regular business shall be conducted and an annual report given at the final meeting of the year.


The Executive Committee is comprised of the elected officers and committee chairpersons of the standing committees. The Executive Committee will meet as necessary. All committee chairpersons shall be appointed by the President with the approval of the Executive Committee. The committee chairpersons shall select their committee members. The following shall be standing committees of the Auxiliary:

  • Calling/Membership Committee – Responsible for calling a list of members to remind them of all meetings and special events. Responsible for collecting dues and keeping records of all members. Responsible for sending membership letters annually to solicit dues and new members.
  • Fund Raising Committee – Responsible for miscellaneous fund raising ideas not covered by the other committees.
  • Sewing Committee – Responsible for assisting Bradford Ecumenical Home to sew labels on clothing and mending for residents as needed.
  • Volunteer Committee – Responsible for shopping for residents weekly. Shopping needs are determined by the residents and staff.  Assist with recreational activities as scheduled by staff.
  • Nominating Committee – Three members shall be appointed by the President every other year to obtain a slate of nominations for the following year.
  • Ad hoc committees shall be appointed as the need arises.


The Auxiliary will raise funds consistent with Bradford Ecumenical Home, Inc.  policies and practices. A record of income and disbursements and an annual report shall be presented to the Board of Directors. The Treasurer’s books shall be subject to an annual audit.

Auxiliary monies shall be used for items for Bradford Ecumenical Home, Inc. upon the recommendation of the Executive Committee, the Chief Executive Officer, and voted upon by the general membership. Donations shall be used for the residents, their needs, and for the facilities as it benefits those residents.
